Is it normal to completely doubt every single thing you do for you child? For instance, as far as napping it okay to let them fall asleep in your arms and hold them the entire time for fear of waking them up if you to put them down or do you put them down while they are still drowsy and then listen to them cry for what seems like an eternity before they fall asleep on their own? Yeah, yeah, I "know" I should put my child in his crib while he is still awake so he can learn to self-soothe, but it's still hard! I hate hearing him cry! Better yet, I hate hearing him scream! I can handle the whimpering, but when I get that pick-me-up-now-or-I'm-gonna-go-crazy! cry...Oh My Gosh!!!
See, I'm not a big fan of the Crying-It-Out Method. I prefer the Ferber Method. I feel so grown-up and mommy-like by saying that! I can say things like "CIO" and "Ferber" because I know all about them. (Yeah, right). I mean, really, is it just me or does every single method, technique, book, doctor, etcetera out there have conflicting ideals with the next method, technique, book...? What's that all about?!
Anyway, I just don't think that letting my child cry for an hour before checking on him is anything short of neglect. It's just my opinion and I know a lot of people disagree. That's okay! I, on the otherhand, prefer to check on him in 5-, 10-, and 15-minute increments when he's crying. Maybe he's playing me...I don't know. Hence, the title of my post...
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