Saturday, July 30, 2011

Team Nap

It's been awhile since I last wrote.  We went on vacation for a couple weeks, and then, well, I just never really got back into the swing of things.  I thought today might be an interesting post for you all...

My son is an excellent sleeper.  I did sleep training early so I like to think that I was the one that made him the way he is, but I'm sure it's because we just got lucky, really.  On the contrary, today's afternoon nap was a rough one for him, so I knew something wasn't right.  I did the whole, "let him cry for a bit"-thing, but after about 30 minutes (I check on him every 10 minutes or so), I started to get concerned.

Poopy diaper?  No.

Gas?  I tried what my husband and I call "The Poo Canoe."  Nothing.

Teething, perhaps?  I used the teething gel.  Still crying.

After an hour (and me starting to get really tired and sweaty), I literally got inside of the crib with him.  Yup.  That's right.  I lied with him in the crib, fed, and rubbed his back at the same time.  He was asleep in about 5 minutes.  Awkward?  Maybe...but it works!  I've done it before and I'll do it again.

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