Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Growth Spurt

Last week was rough.  Really rough.  Just when I thought I had this whole napping-thing down, the little monster tricked me!  (I would say "this little sh*t tricked me!", but I won't.  That would be mean.  I don't call him those names anyway.)  BUT, I will say he was crying and eating and crying some more...all. week. long.  Looking back, it was a total blur and I don't really remember doing much of anything.  Oh, we went to the pool one day.  I think that was it. 
It started on Monday--the non-stop crying--and by Thursday I thought something might really be wrong.  I thought I wasn't producing enough milk for him.  I was exhausted and was beginning to take naps when he was napping.  He was eating every 2 hours.  No kidding.  If he happened to be sleeping at the 2 hour mark, I would pump.  I was trying to make more milk for the Incredible Hulk to consume.   
I called the pediatrician on Thursday and told her that I thought I wasn't able to satisfy his insatiable appetite and I wanted to mix in some formula.  She asked (among other things) how many times a day he was pooping.  "Just once," I said, "but everyday."  She finally told me to "relax and just go with it for a few more days.  He's fine, he's getting enough to eat; he's just going through a growth spurt.  It will take a few days for your body to catch up with his needs." 
She was right.  Apparently my body has caught up to his just fine...we can tell by the new deuce count, right?  Since Thursday we've had 2-3 dirty, dir-tay diapers per day, 3 of which were blown-out all over the baby's clothes, and one all over my husband's clothes.  This last one involved half a bottle of Spray-n-Wash, a deep soak in the sink, poop on the counter, bleach, 2 loads of laundry, and finally, the hose outside.  We decided it was easiest to just power-wash everything on the patio.  I recommend this technique when it happens to you.

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